Sunday, March 9, 2008

Logan Trip

So, I promised Easter pics of Sarah Marie, well, here they are! Compliments of Liz Photoz (

We also enjoyed swimming with cousin Abby and Auntie Roo. Auntie Liz took pics again, but I don't have them quiet yet. Perhaps next week when she comes to SLC for Princesses on Ice. I would take Sarah if she was older, but she doesn't even know what a princesses is, well except for her of course!!

I went to a Private Quarters party with my mom and came home with a migraine (the party wasn't the cause, but skipping lunch while nursing). So my attempt to drive home last night didn't pan out. I decided to spend another night in Logan and try to rid the migraine there. Instead, I woke up at 4am feeling nauseous! So, I told myself to sleep it off. I woke again around 8am feeling horribly sick. So, all in all, I got the stomach flu!! I drove home, by some miracle, and now I am coasting weakly on Emetrol! So, if this is tmth (to much to handle) sorry, it is the drugs talking.
So, I'll be sure to add more once I feel better. As for now I am looking at the bed for comfort and rest! Too bad I don't have a feather bed right now...well, maybe one day soon!


Beverlynne said...

It was nice to see you in Logan. Sarah sure is a cutie! Sorry to hear your sick.
Thanks for telling me about your blog.

Unknown said...

Sorry you got the flu - but I hope it was worth it coming up to Logan. Sarah is sooooooo cute!