Friday, March 14, 2008

Daylight Savings

So, I have officially decided I don't like daylight savings time. I think fall back is okay, I get to sleep an extra hour, but spring forward?! Really, what could be worse than loosing an hour in the day and an hour of sleep?!

I think Sarah agrees with me. The poor child is having a hard time adjusting with the clocks. Her nap schedule is whack which makes her bedtime even more screwy. Then she wakes up at 5:30am confused and ready to be awake for the day because she went to bed earlier.

Urgh, I should live in a state where they don't change the time. Arizona is looking slightly appealing right now.


Megs said...

I agree with you, but i like the spring forward when i work. Because i get to go home an hour early, and the fall back i have to work and hour longer (boo!)