Wednesday, November 24, 2010

First Snow Storm...err...Blizzard!

Well, moving up to Logan has been great so far. It's nice to be home. The mountains are close, there's hardly any traffic, and it only takes 10 minutes to drive somewhere unlike in SL. Having said that, the weather is a different story. Yes, we get snow in SL, but we don't get the tempratures Logan gets in the winter. The high, you ask? Well, it is a blistering 10 degrees. The low? Well, that is a smoldering -15 degrees. Welcome back to Sibera...err...Logan.

Sarah loves it. Her and Jon and Daisy built 2 snowmen. Sarah and I had a fun snowball fight too. Momma won, but only because Sarah stopped and ate a chunck out of each snowball she made to throw at me. It's been great fun. And, it really does feel like Christmas time. Thank goodness Thanksgiving is tomorrow otherwise we'd have a long wait till Christmas.

Daniel is doing well. He's growing right up. He had his 2 month wellness and immunizations last week. He was in the 75th percentile for his height and only in the 25th percentile for his weight. He's going to be like Sarah, tall and skinny. Do I have a future basketball star on my hands? Possibly.

Daniel is very coordinated for his age. He is 2 months old and plays with his toys. He's very aware of his hands and sees well enough to know where to move them to hit the toys and make noise. Watching young minds delevop is so neat. Just goes to show God does know what he's doing.


Gail said...

Brrr! We got dumped on last week, check out our blog to see all the snow we got! The love the pic of the snowman and the one of all the leaves - great pics! We miss you guys too. Hope you are doing well.