Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ahhh!!!! (Screaming in utter joy and ecstasy!)

My book now has a literary agent representing it! Can you believe it?! I got the email this morning saying that they want to represent my book and will find a publisher! AHHH!! I can't say it enough!

Still, I realize, there is a lot of work ahead of me. However, I want to thank everyone who has helped me get this far! Your prayers have helped me and I cannot thank you enough! Thanks to Anna and Karina who've read my book over and over again. Thanks to my wonderful Aunt Nola who helped me edit extensively!! And thank you to all those who've read An Unforeseen Life and have given me honest opinions. I truly appreciate all of you!

Continue to pray for me. I still need to go through the difficult editing process and finding a great publisher! Thanks!!! Thanks!!! and many more thanks!!!


Brooke said...

Congrats...I'm so Happy for you