Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sarah Marie, what a big girl!

Welcome to the Resch Family Blog!! I am sure some of you were thinking how long will it take for me to actually make a blog...well, here is to you!

Sarah is just growing and growing. She is a whopping 27 1/2" tall and 17 lbs 10oz. The doctor said she is in good proportion, but she is going to be a tall girl. I keep telling myself she will one day marry an NBA player and settle my retirement. Dreams can never hurt, right?

Sarah has also enjoyed her new mealtime solid food additions. With the exception of peas and pears. Must be green foods that agitate her. Peas, to her, must be notorious. She pulls her nose into a scrunch, presses her lips together, and spits the peas back out at me. Perhaps she is telling me to try it and see if I can down it too. No thanks, I'll leave pureed food to her for now. Pears, however, gave her a tummy ache. Maybe it was too sweet, or perhaps it was just a bad time to try them with her. Any which way, I'll wait till she is a little older to try them again.

Sarah enjoyed her first movie, Vantage Point, out with Daddy, Auntie Anna, Robert, Grandma Resch, and me. She slept through most of the movie, to my amazement since there was bombs going off every few minutes, and then sat quietly in her slingling till the movie was over. Perhaps Jordan and I will brave it again and take her to another matinee, of course when she is really tired.

To my utter amazement, Sarah has taught herself some neat sound effects. Mainly pressing her lips together and blowing air through them (giving me a shower of drool to the face), every now and again a trill of off note, sharp, and sometimes flat never imagined or heard of tunes--I always thought she would be musically inclined. She also likes to press her lips together, suck in her bottom lip, and let out some very manly "mm's".

Sarah is taking her time learning how to crawl. She gets her arms propped up, gets one leg moving, and can sort of scoot a little. However, she can't quiet seem to figure out how to make both legs work together. For now it is one or the other. She seems to get a little frustrated at times, but I suppose there is a learning curve to crawling. I get down on my hands and knees and "show" her how to crawl, but some are not visual learners...not that she is watching her cookey mommy crawly around the floor. So, I thought perhaps another tactic was needed...

Since Sarah enjoys watching Daisy catch her tail all the time I thought perhaps Daisy could shed some light into new thing Sarah is longing to do, but can't seem to make her legs go. Daisy laid down on her belly, like a good dog, and then waited for my cue (struming fingers against the floor) and proceeded to crawl. To this Sarah cooed and ahhed, laughed a little, and rolled onto her back. Well, in time she will be the worlds best crawler I am sure of it.

I can always tell when Sarah Marie is frustrated also. It is quiet easy, she simply cries out a "Ga!". I am beginning to wonder if this is some sort of nice cuss word for babies. My little niece, Abby, said the same thing when she was frustrated. Then again, maybe it is all in the family.

As Sarah learns more sound effects, poops on Daddy, or does something cute I'll be sure to add it to the blog. Keep in touch and keep looking for updates!