Friday, January 28, 2011

January Update

Well, January seems to have slipped right past me. So much has happened and all so fast. Jordan's Mom is still recovering from her heart attack and surgery in December. She works part time when she feels good enough to and is at home now. We're all glad to see her doing better. She's still short on energy and food doesn't taste the same to her, but she's slowly getting back to how she was before.

Sarah is a full speed ahead 3 year old. She's learning how to read and can correctly read 10 words. I'm still faithfully working with her and hopefully by the time she begins preschool this August she'll be at a kindergarten/first grade reading level. She's also learning colors, shapes, numbers, and I try and do a craft with her a few times a week. She especially loves to paint and use glue and glitter. Yes, this does create a royal mess, but she's good about helping me clean it up.

Daniel is growing, growing, growing! He had his 4 month appointment Jan. 13th and we discovered he had fallen under the 3% in weight. Poor little baby only weighed 11lbs 4oz, a weight most babies are able to hit at 2 months of age. He had reflux so bad he'd just throw-up all his food. I mentioned this to the doctor before at his 2 month appointment, but his weight wasn't too low for concern then. Now he's on anti-reflux medication and he's doing much, much better. In just one week he'd gained a pound and a half. No fat rolls yet, but he's getting up there on the scale, thank heaven!! He's the happiest baby I've ever known. He's smiling all the time, loves playing with his toys and "tasting" them, and will talk/sing to me all the time. It's adorable. He's also starting rice cereal, per doctor's instruction. He doesn't like it much, but in time he'll get used to it.

On news of our house in West Jordan....We're UNDER CONTRACT!! Praise the Lord and sing all day!! It took some time, but we've managed it. The buyers have till Feb. 25th to settle their loan finances and then on March 4th we officially close. We plan on moving our stuff out of the house just after Feb. 25th just in case something was to happen with their financing. Now Jordan and I are able to look at houses in Logan and not feel guilty for not being able to an offer down if we fall in love with the house. We still live with my parents and will till we find a place of our own. I'm more keen to the North side of the valley, so lets all hope I can find a good deal there!!

I work part time for my dad, covering for my sister while she finishes up her Master's Degree at USU. She's counseling middle school aged kids and loves it. I work Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings. I like the break from the kids, but I miss them like crazy as well. Jordan watches them while I am at work, so it's good in a way he gets a taste of what I deal with every day.

Well, that about rounds up the month of January. Even though the holidays are over, we're still busy, busy, busy.


Megs said...

Oh my gosh they look so big already!!!! Man I cant wait to see them when I come up again. Miss you guys like crazy.