Friday, January 23, 2009


So, I had a root-canal yesterday. Yippee and all that jazz! (JK, it wasn't anything to be excited over!!) Luckily the tooth was already dead, so I didn't have any real tooth pain, but man o' man did my gums hurt! I had an abscess on the very back molar on the right side and after I had the root-canal I thought I was about to die! I was in so much pain! I didn't go back to work (minus the 1/2 I was there and then rushed out) so that in and of itself tells you how miserable I was. But, I decided the only way to stop the pain was tor relieve the pressure (pain drives you to do crazy things!!). I will leave the explanation at that, but know I feel 100% better today and the only pain I feel, which isn't pain just soreness, is where he gave me my shot. So, whew, I am back to the pain free, care-free Natalie everyone loves. I promise not to bite your head off now that I feel better--not that I was that mean before. Richard--I wish you luck on your root-canals. My endodontist is great, but sometimes pain can't be avoided.


Megs said...

I am so sorry, that totally sucks!! I will let Richard know what you say. The doctor doesn't know when he wants to do it but I will let you know so you can cheer Richard on, (hee hee)