Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jazz Game Suite

So, last night was Jordan's work banquet. It was really nice. We stayed the night at the Little America Hotel downtown (can I say the commute to work was great?! Only 7 minutes and I was there!!). The dinner was wonderful and it only lasted a little over an hour. Jolene, Jordan's boss, gave us some Jazz tickets that were comp-ed to her from the Coca-Cola vendor. So, we decided to jump on trax and go to the game since it was only an hour in. We got there and were told to head up to the Suites. Wow!! We got there and there was food galore! (We were already full from the banquet), sodas, juice, waters, etc. And, we had really neat seats! We came at half time, so we caught the later part of the game. The Jazz lost to the Spurs by 3 points, but it was still an exciting fun game. I hope we can go back to the Suite sometime!


Munford Family said...

That is so awesome! Does Jolene still work at Maceys? It has been so long...she was my fist store manager.