Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Drinking and Driving

Here is Sarah on her 4-wheeler she got from Nana and Bompa. Isn't she cute! I hope this isn't any indication of future driving skills! Sarah is doing well and growing too fast! She is already past 1/2 my height. I guess the pediatrician was right when he said she'd probably be 6'3" when she's full grown. Wow, my little baby is going to be taller than me!!!
Sarah is saying so many words now! I can't even count them. She is learning her shapes and colors as well. She likes to say green, which comes out "greh-n". She also says pink which comes out "peh-nk". Her vocabulary is so cute!!!

Here are a few more pictures from the Stake Musical as well. This is Andrew, aka "Frank" in the show. He is the protagonist. In this picture he is disguised as a gypsy trying to get information out of Cruella, the beautician witch (Sis. Virgin - The Stake Pres. wife!!). Andrew had a hard time keeping his face straight singing mean words to the Stake Pres. wife, she she had to put a wig on to distract him. This is the funniest scene in the entire show!

The rehearsals are going great. I wish we'd have more time, but beggars can't be choosers. I am just glad to be doing the show. Next years is already written, I'm just changing lyrics and such to make it church appropriate.


Megs said...

She is looking so big and adorable as ever. I have no doubt that she will be tall both you and Jordan are tall.

I can't wait to see your musical, but to be honest you will have to remind me when it comes time because I know I will forget!!!

Brooke said...

Oh My she is getting so big and tall, Ya better start teaching her now about drinking and driving LOL!! And you will have to tell me all about the musical!!