Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New Trick!

Well, Jordan finally taught Sarah something, well, a trick that is. It is so adorable. She can now clap! I thought it was so adorable that I captured it on video. So, drum roll please......

Sarah the Clapper!

Sarah the Clapper 2

Sarah is now 8 1/2 months old and is as cute as ever, as you just saw. She does an army crawl, where she stretches her little arms in front of her and pulls herself forward. So, she really isn't crawling just yet, but is incredibly close. I am beginning to worry that she will just one day get her little legs working the way she wants them to and she'll be off! Well, I suppose we all did that too, right?

Well, enjoy!


Unknown said...


Can't wait to see you this weekend.
