Friday, March 7, 2008

Weekend Trip

So, once again, Sarah and I are headed to Logan for a fun weekend with Nana, Bumpa, and Uncle Jon. Not to mention Auntie Liz and Roo. We are going to have fun together and I might even take Sarah swimming!! I think she will love it, but we shall see.

Jordan is taking the Scouts on another camp out this weekend to our cabin in Indianola. They are going to freeze! Well, I suppose Jordan won't because he bought himself a tent heater for him and the other two leaders. Now, that is not camping! I thought boy scouts were supposed to rough it! Using a tent heater is like sleeping in an RV and calling it camping. Nope, doesn't work for me.

Well, nothing else special has really happened this week. Just been busy, busy, busy trying to work two jobs, be a mommy, and a wife who keeps up on the housework. I am telling you, it is really hard and stressful. I keep telling myself in time it will payoff and I hope I am right.

Well, I shall post more after our fun weekend in Logan! Cheers!